I have been so bad about blogging, I LOVE to read blogs but lately getting inspired to write anything has been hard. We are encased in the snow castle again, ahh the joys of living on the US/CANADA border.
All the Christmas gifts are under the tree or in boxes waiting to be mailed. Grandpa ended up sending me a check to buy all his gifts so there are a LOT more then usual. I was going between maybe taking a weekend trip with the money or buying gifts and decided to go with the gifts. Presbyboy is outgrowing all his clothes he's going into size 5T I buy all the children's clothes at yard sales unless I need something particular but it seems that most high quality boy's clothing stops at this size, little boys are in sizes longer at this age and are very hard on pants so Presbyboy is getting brand new clothes for Christmas., along with his usual Train beginnings. Presbybaby is hard to shop for, she's not into dolls but of course wants brother's trains, well I'm not buying a 17 month old girl trains! I made her a quilt that I started a long time ago...like before her birth and a few Melissa and Doug toys.
People keep asking me what I want and the truth is not a thing! That's the trouble when you grow up and can buy yourself stuff. I don't really need another Yankee candle, though they are very nice, what I'd like most is my house cleaned by a person that not me and meraciously organized so that I know where everything is but I wasn't the person who organised everything to start with. Not sure thats going to happen!