The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
That Time of Year
It happens every 7 years, Christmas falls on a Sunday, which means Christmas Eve is Saturday night. We have just entered into our 7th year of marriage, last time it didn't matter. This time we have 3 kids! What to do , what to do. We have Christmas Eve Service at our church so we can't open gifts then. I figure our kids won't let us sleep that late anyway! I thought perhaps we could wait for gifts till we all got home from church as the regular Sunday morning is pretty busy...I don't think the kids will go for it.
Since we have moved and it will be only 2 adults making a duck and a turkey seems silly, so I think I am making a duck and a chicken. RevDr's favorite around the holiday's is Goose Liver Pate...which no one sells in this area...suprise suprise.
In other news Presbyboy turned 6,Presbybaby is now 1 and walking. I also have chicks inthe incubator that should hatch tomorrow, if the kidshaven't been to rough with them which is a high possibility!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tuesday Afternoon Jesus
The Tuesday Afternoon Jesus
All of you know my husband, You know the man who stands before you on Sunday morning,
the man who visits you if you're sick or comforts you at the grave side of your loved one. Some of you know him more intimately as a friend whom you laugh with at lunches or work on projects with, but none of you really know him as I do.
He is my “bride groom” the man whom I consult with on many matters, raise children with when I am sick he takes over many of my duties, when I'm weak he carries me when I'm over reacting or full of nonsense he tells me, when I'm sad he consoles me and much sooner then we think we will grown old together and go from this earthly life.
You know my Sunday morning husband, but I know my Tuesday afternoon husband,the two are the same the difference is the relationship.
Everyone in this room knows Jesus,even if you've never been much of a church goer you know from the media that church is where people go to talk about Jesus and that Jesus is God's son, someone to cry out to when something bad happens. Maybe someone to blame when cruel life doesn't go as you wish it did. You think that Jesus lives in the beautiful church building the one you visit to get married, baptized or to say a final farewell to a loved one, but there's another Jesus, the Tuesday afternoon Jesus.
Several years ago a very bad storm came through the town where I grew up, everyone's power was out for several days, it was bitterly cold and no one could really drive anywhere, not that there was any place to go. Suddenly in the space of a few days I began to know everyone on my street very well, the people who had fireplaces offered to let those who didn't come and sleep in their homes to stay warm, everyone pooled their food and we cooked it on a grill and entertained one another, playing board games and listening to a small radio. In those few days I got to know the people I had lived within just a few feet of most of my life very well, not because I particularly wanted to but because I needed to in order to survive.
The funny thing that happened, was as soon as the power was restored and the danger over we all went back to our own homes,and we went right back to the relationships we had before of the casual nod and a slight wave. Almost as if we had forgot how much we had needed one another just a few days before. The discomfort and danger was over. We could rely on ourselves again .
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will commune with him, and he with me.
There is a Tuesday afternoon Jesus that wants to speak to you every day not just on a Sunday. There's a Jesus that if you'll ask him will care if you ran out of gas on the way to work, lost your check book or don't know what to do with your rebellious teenager. Sometimes you hear Jesus knocking loudly on your heart's door, but much more often it's his slight, constant tap asking to be let in, maybe so quiet that you've learned to ignore it, yet he patiently stands outside your hearts door, you pass him everyday, like that next door neighbor casually giving him a nod or a wave, but never really going beyond an acquaintance.
Maybe many years ago you knew him quiet well but now you only speak occasionally. But still he waits patiently for you to ask him in, to help you in your daily struggles and to comfort you in your Tuesday afternoon problems.
Asking Jesus to come in is something so simple even a little child can understand it.
Hell is still hot, the Devil is as real as you and me but Jesus' blood can still conquer them both.
Praying and asking Jesus to come into your life isn't made up of magical words that save you it's the believing in your heart.
Sample Prayer
“Dear Jesus, I know I've done thing wrong in my life and that I need you desperately , not only to be my Savior but to be my friend and guide, thank you for shedding your blood on the cross to cover my sins and promising me a home in heaven someday. Amen.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Same Time Last Year
I almost never read my old posts, maybe I should deleate them. Last year at this time was kind of a dark place, our severance from our old church would run out at Christmas as well as our health care. I had a new born and at that moment we thought we were going to be going to a church...then things feel through. Of course I didn't know that we would be going on more interviews and visits and that we would get the wonderful church we have now.
Between Christmas and March we lived off our savings, ministers don't qualify for unemployment, RevDr got a VERY part time job and was doing some pulpit filling but was going on so many interviews to far away churches he had to have some freedom to travel. He couldn't find any employment in the legal world and he would have to wait months to take the bar again and to hear if he would even pass.
He did get his Real Estate license during that time and we did get to enjoy having him home alot which was nice due to the new baby. I had a huge stockpile of goods from my couponing in my basement. I couponed mostly because it was fun to see how much stuff I could get for so little,when my shelves we're full I'd donate it to the food bank or homeless shelter and I felt good for being able to give. We trimmed all the "fat" from our budget and lived very simply. However we had lived pretty "simply" before this. We bought few gifts that Christmas but kids 0,2 and 5 enjoy pretty much opening everything and our extended family was generous. Something I remember from that time is eating Turkey, after the Holidays I had got a bunch of frozen,leftover Turkey's for .19 a lb. that combined with my coupon stockpile fed us.
In January we went on two interviews in a two week time in far away states,I went along with the newborn too. We ended up being caught in a storm and stuck in the airport for a few days coming home. When we finally got home we had one day to unpack, repack and leave again.
We got offers from both churches and ended up taking the one which was much less money but a much healthier church, one we felt God was leading us to. They said RevDr could start right away since they didn't have anyone...the day he left we had 1,000 left of our savings,we had credit cards but I wasn't going to use them. I thought maybe I should sell my wedding ring...I didn't. I stayed back home with the little ones and packed and got the house ready to sell then drove up when everything was finished. Driving 1,200 miles with a 4 month nursing baby, a 2 year old and a 5 year old is a whole story just in it's self.
Our new little church has been such a blessing, they get along so well with each other, there are no fights, which may sound silly if you've never been in a disfunctual church. They are able to focus their stregnth in helping OTHERS and because of this they are able to do so much more then even a large church. They love us and we love them.
Just a note, a year before this I had read the Dave Ramsey books on financial planning, if not for him we wouldn't have had enough sense to save money, I truly don't know what we would have done if we hadn't followed him and saved 3-6 months of living expenses.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Gardening Plans
I'm still getting used to living here where there are several growing seasons, coming from a place where we were lucky to get one. This summer we had a drought, my Pecan Trees,Lemon Tree and grapes dropped their tiny fruit way too early. The Blueberries, Fig and Pear did better, in fact I am still getting figs every few days...I am kinda figed out. This winter I have a LOT of pruning work to be done, I would venture that most of these haven't been pruned in about 10 years. The bonus is that I have very mature trees in place. I have also been working on raised beds and building up the soil quality in a section where I plan to have traditional rows. So these are my plans for next year,right now all I have in the ground are sweet potatoes.
Raised Beds with Herbs:
Stevie, Parsley, Rosemary,Basil (for pesto)
Raised Bed:
Mescalin Lettuce and Romaine, this can be kept going in all but very hot months, with a cold frame can be kept through the winter
Tomato, peppers, mainly paste tomatoes
I am going to add Mignonette strawberries as a border to garden beds, these are very small, heirloom berries that are grown from seed. It was hard to find a type that won't bake here and these are self sowing without sending out runners, I will have to plant these early as they don't like extreme heat.
Row Crops
Heirloom Popcorn
Green Beans
Egg Plant
Climbing stuff:
Summer squash and Zucchini
In a small plot
Shallots, vidalla,garlic Fall Garden Beets, Kale,Rainbow Carrots,
My fun item is a small plot of peanuts, which I'm told grow wonderfully around
Winter Projects
This is a wonderful link about worm compost bins
I Hate to use the term "winter" now that I live in FL winter to me is feet of snow, here winter will mean nightly lowes in the high 30's maybe low 30's for a few weeks, then warm up to 60's during the day. Jan & Feb. are cold by the end of March most people have their garden in. I have a LOT of pruning to do, there are lots of scrub trees growing in my blueberry bushes, and the bushes themselves are a good 15 feet tall,pretty much everything needs pruned. There is also a 12 ft. tall pecan tree growing in the middle of my Hydrangeas...I love Hydrangeas and I love Pecans but we need a shade tree where it is, I'm thinking I will try to transplant the hydrangeas. I didn't order meat birds as I planned, we have an empty freezer but the power here goes out ALL THE TIME, I'm afraid all my expense in raising organic birds will go to waste, the power company claims they will be fixing things so maybe next year. In the spring I plan to hatch out chicks from my flock (for sale) as well as a few new pullets for me.
I plan on getting a milk goat but I need to secure a fence around the barn for pasture which will be an expense, I will be looking for a pregnant Nubian, however goats don't like to be alone and may also consider getting a meat goat to raise with her till she gives birth. I could fit 4 goats in the barn section I plan on using. I am told that 100 lbs. of goat = 40 lbs. of meat so I will be getting a bigger goat, I won't be keeping a male as they are smelly and can make the milk smell which is the main reason I am getting the goat to begin with. I will be working a compost bin (made from pallets) ;and a worm compost bin, the chickens eat most of my kitchen scraps but worms will eat coffee and tea grounds. I am also leery of putting table scraps in a compost bin as it might attract roaches or rats. The whole point of compost is that the soil quality here is very poor, I am very afraid of using outside compost as it can contain herbicide, I know my chicken manure is fine etc.
What are you "winter" projects?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Living for Today and Tomorrow
I love my own mother dearly, she had me late in life and worked all but my infancy. My mother wasn't domestic,she liked to cook but wasn't good at it (she can decorate fancy cakes however...strange), shes not a very good housekeeper, but was a wonderful affection shower and supporter. I was raised by my grandmother mostly, I kind of got a 1950's upbringing in the 1990's. Someone once came to my house and commented that it looked just like my Grandma's and if they didn't know better they would think a 80 year old women lived there...ahh thanks,I think.
As a result of all this I knew when it came time for me to have kids I would stay home with them and raise them myself! I knew this even before I got married and when I was dating seriously I made sure that my husband to be agreed with this. Is it easy? no, we have learned to live on one income which at times meant we only had one car so I was at home a lot when he was working (my sacrifice), vacations are not the trips to Europe that my husband enjoyed every year and they are few and far between (RevDr's sacrifice) our kids don't take dance or art classes (their sacrifice) we also don't eat out often (which we all love). You know something, when you almost never eat out when you do it's a real treat, my 5 year old gets more excited about Waffle House then I ever did about Red Lobster.
We take more joy in the special things. Once a week I serve a really super dinner sometimes it's strip steak with shrimp. I can make two surf and turf dinners for about $8. You can but a lot of hot dogs for $8 but it helps in not feeling deprived. I also don't want to spend my retirement on take out, does that sound silly?? If I spend any "extra" money on take out and save none then that’s what I've done to MYSELF I shouldn't expect any government to help me. Do I have it "hard" absolutely not! Hard isn't using cloth diapers, it's having to beat those cloth diapers on a scrub board or put them through a wringer washer. Having my washing machine doing a few extra loads a week is very easy. Hard is sewing clothing yourself because you HAVE to, not shopping at consignment stores or accepting hand me downs. Our Grandmothers never had their own car, in the 1950's it was very unusual for a middle class family to own more then one car, it was also unusual for a mother of young kids to work. It's simple math (FYI I do have my own car now) and am very thankful for it. Anything in life you REALLY, REALLY want to do you can usually find a way to do.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Theres One in Every Group...
This is Maria, the naughty, loud hen. Maria has discovered how to jump onto my windowsills, which is pretty impressive since they are a good 10 feet off the ground. Maria pecks the other hens, squawks when she's sitting on a nest then squawks and parades around the yard after she lays an egg...and pretty much squawks all day long. When the mail man comes in the gate she follows him to the front door and back just to make sure he's not up to any funny business. I noticed the other night that all the other chickens roost together, except for Maria. I used to tell people that we're interested in chickens that hens we're only as loud as a Guinea Pig...well most are, but not Maria .
Maria does have cute qualities she runs quick as her little legs can carry her the second I open any door, shes there first wanting her treat, if I don't have a treat she will follow me around the yard reprimanding me till I usually give her some sun flower seeds out of the bird feeder. I thought about selling her, but she lays an egg every day and she's my biggest fan.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I'm A Christian, but I Never go to Church
I have a lot of Christian friends. I grew up in Christian Schools and graduated from a Christian college. Something that saddens me is how many of them don't attend church anymore. I don't mean people who we're brought up in an ultra Fundamental Church and go to a more liberal one, I mean people who never darken the doorstep unless their visiting Grandma or going to a wedding or funeral, if you asked them they would of course say they we're saved and believed in God and Christ. They know hymns by heart and can find a scripture reference easily. They can spout off John 3:16 and quote Psalm 23, but it does them very little good.
They are not giving their children the same knowledge they we're given, they will tell their child that" yes, of course we believe in God", they may read Noah's Ark and say bedtime prayers, but that child is never taken to Sunday School and never read the Bible that sits on so many shelves. Many of them are married to unbelievers, who may in fact be willing to believe if only they we're asked and educated about Christianity. Many have good intentions and plan that "soon we will visit that church around the corner", or if they've moved will eventually try to find a church, but Sunday after Sunday slips by and good intentions stay just that... intentions.
Someone asked me recently what church they should go to, it's a rather personal question but I would say if you we're to pass away tomorrow who would do your funeral? That church would be a good starting place. Do you have a peer that you respect who attends church? That might be another good place. Some people like large congregation some small. I'm not trying to tell you what church to go to but to just GO! If you visit one and you don't care for it then visit another. If you work Sunday morning many churches have Friday or Saturday evening services or Wednesday night Bible Study. Maybe you don't want to go because your spouse won't go with you...then go by yourself, but GO!
Perhaps there is another reason people don't go,they say "church is full of nothing but hypocrites", well my friend then go anyway because Heaven is full of the same sinners and you might was well get used to them. Sadly there are people who are believers but have been hurt by a church in the past, just as someone who's been through a divorce eventually you have to try again. Lasty there is a group of people a very LARGE group who "know whats right, but do whats wrong, because it's more fun", if they went back to church they would feel convicted of things in their life that they know they shouldn't be doing, if your worried about having to "give up" things like this in order to love and worship then my friends you may have never know the real Jesus to begin with?
Friday, September 30, 2011
My Perfect Self or The Perfect Pastor's Wife
Our church ladies have been doing a Bible study on the book "Grace for the Good Girl" by Emily Freeman. One thing we did at our first meeting was to write a description of our "perfect selves". If we could have and meet every expectation or goal what would that look like? I thought I'd share mine.
My Perfect Self
I'm a size 8 , no make that a size 10 (I'm really tall) and I don't want to be TOO skinny.
I thrive on 5 hours of sleep each night and awaken delightfully charming after sleeping in my perfectly color coordinated bed, perched high atop 7 throw pillows (that I made myself).
I spend 1 hour studying the Bible and praying for others before awakening my children and serving them a hot, from scratch breakfast every morning (with cloth napkins of course).
I grown my own organic vegetables, which I can , I haven’t had a diet Coke in 5 years.
There are never dirty dishes in my sink and my laundry is folded the second the dryer beeps.
I help the needy and often roam around looking for homeless people to invite to dinner.
I make lovely care packages for college students all from my giant stockpile of items that I bought on sale...with a double coupon.
I knit for orphans in Bulgaria, I call lonely widows on the phone and witness to the mail man daily.
I teach my baby sign language, and make all my own clothes.
I delight in pre treating laundry, cleaning up fur balls and balancing the checkbook.
I can quote whole chapters of the Bible from memory and never need a song book as I know them all by heart.
I make lovely, romantic dinners for my husband 5 nights a week after the children go to bed.
I mow the lawn, change the oil and resided the house, not because I had to but because I like too.
I floss after every meal.
There are never month old McDonald's french fries on the floor of my minivan.
I'm such a good person and wonderful Christian that I don't really need God's help, but he always needs mine.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
$1 Thin Crust Pizza Recipe
On Wednesday night the RevDr doesn't ge
t home till late due to Bible Study and Choir practice, I usually make the kids dinner at 5 pm then will fix him something at 9 pm. Tonight it was thin crust cheese Pizza.
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 cup warm water
2 teaspoons olive oil
Put water, yeast and sugar in bowl and let "bloom' for 5 min. then add rest and using your hands or a dough hook kneed for 4 min. Let rest 10-15 min. and preheat oven to 425 degrees, yes, you MUST preheat and you MUST do it that hot, oil round pizza pan (if you double this it will do a cookie sheet) and pat dough out evenly (make sure the center isn't thick). Use a scant amount of pizza sauce and cover with cheese and toppings. Prick crust all over with fork or crust will get thick, bake for 12-14 min. longer if you used a cookie sheet, watch this close it can burn quickly.
Kraft Homestyle Mac N Cheese Review
I'll be honest I never look at my blog stats. I only have 13 followers and don't get that many comments. Well I looked today...I get a lot of hits! mostly on my old funeral dinner posts. I guess I now know what people are really looking for.
Anyway as you can tell by my title I thought I would do some product reviews. I bought this Mac N' Cheese it was $2 at my Wal Mart bnut I priced matched with a Publix ad and a coupon. It was really good, it has you cook the noodles, drain them and set aside then it has a little "flavor package" that you brown (it's really like making an old fashioned from scratch recipie with a rue) but it's pretty fast. It also comes with a crumb topping which my 5 year old didn't like. If you were to add some diced ham this could be a complete meal. It doesn't have a fake taste I give it 4/5 stars.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Huge Egg
We got a huge egg today, I will crack it open for breakfast tomorrow, I wonder if it will be a double yoker
King Josiah
Can you see the little gecio hiding in my hydranga?
I've also been sprouting mung beans this week, a good "fresh food" crop when the garden isn't producing lettuce
King Josiah
Can you see the little gecio hiding in my hydranga?
I've also been sprouting mung beans this week, a good "fresh food" crop when the garden isn't producing lettuce
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sadly Hibiscus blooms only last a day, both my bushes have multiple colors,not sure if that means they are a hybrid or natural.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Fall...O, Wait I live in Florida Now
So it's fall here, except it's still in the 80's-'90's, people are putting in fall gardens which ammuses me bacause we have always lived where you we're lucky to get one growing season much less have two! The chickens are doing well and it's still exciting finding brown eggs in the nests.
I have been working on raised beds for next year the soil here is pretty poor.
Our yard has been filled with butterflies the last two days, they all must have hatched.
I have been working on raised beds for next year the soil here is pretty poor.
Our yard has been filled with butterflies the last two days, they all must have hatched.
backyard chickens,
Florida gardening,
raised beds
Friday, September 2, 2011
First Egg
We got our first egg this week from our Rhode Island Red girls,amazing how excited you get! The girls have made themselves a nest beside the front door...5 acres and they pick the front door! I even made a nice one with pleanty fo straw, o well! Chicken to door service.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Manse Update
Baby #3 is almost 9 months and no longer wishes to be fed, she will fight of you for control of the spoon, she wants to feed I just give her bannana cut in half this morning and let her have at it, it's a huge mess! She ate a whole bannana, part of a roll and a cookie this morning she will also self feed mac n'cheese and chicken nuggets. She has 6 teeth and by golly she will use them, all my beautiful homemade, frozen baby food is just sitting... she only weighs 16 pounds, she'salso the bossiest baby yet.
A praying mantis trying to get at a cloth diaper of the same color.
My lemon tree has tiny green lemons forming, the last of the summer garden, time to start the fall garden.
cloth diapers,
fall garden,
lemon trees,
praying mantis
Monday, August 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Pretty, Funny, Happy, Real
A sweet church lady brought me tomatoes and red onion, I bout the cilantro myself, so for .77 we will be eating a LOT of salsa.
Presbybaby aged 7 1/2 months wants to crawl EVRYWHERE if you put her in the play pen she pushes against the mesh trying to get out, very funny to the rest of us, frustrating to baby.
Ahh freedom, much happier!
Anyone want to guess whats for dinner? Too many roosters...I'm also now convinced whatever you pay for a butchered chicken in the store is not nearly enough.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Going's On
I know a lot of you are Facebook friends so this may be a double and post,Presbybaby is 7 1/2 months and has her two bottom teeth and is crawling! I've never had a baby crawl that early. Presbygirl just turned 3. Presbyboy is going to summer preschool. The chickens are now 3 months old are some are getting BIG, they like to rob my bird feeder and the cardinals are none to happy! Blueberries are about done and we are now collecting fresh figs and pears, I've never had a fresh fig so this is new. Our church people are so kind even a lady from another Presby church brought me some produce and fresh canned figs.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
I have managed to lose 2 camera cards.. and of course the cord for my old school camera is long gone, I refuse to but another...I'm sure I will find one...I hope.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Manse Happenings
Made our first blueberry muffins from our OWN berries, they we're delicious. Those of you who had the cookbook I edited this is from my basic recipe.
Everything is growing including the babies.
One thing about having the chickens is they made me realize how many food stuffs I was throwing away, I have a gallon bucket to save scraps for them and I fill it twice a day, today I discovered a box of Wheat Thins that had gone stale, to the chickens they went! The girls really love watermelon rind, they will peck at it all day.
I don't know much about hydrangeas but I've concluded that I must have two varieties, anyone know what they are?
backyard chickens,
Food Budget
I have a confession, I LOVE potatoes! When we lived in PA we had potato fields everywhere and I was able to buy a 50# bag for $6 direct at the farm. I had endless recipes... German Potato Salad being the RevDr's favorite and potato pancakes being mine. I think we ate them everyday. It helped my budget, was a "real" food and so versatile. Then we moved to Florida...a 5lb. bag is 3.50 at the cheapest, they don't grow well around here and they are an expensive food to transport. Suddenly the meal plans I had used we're no longer cost efficient. Here people eat a whole lot more sweet potatoes, in PA you never see them unless it's at the holidays, here they are served in most restaurants and are much cheaper, people here also eat lots of rice and okra. Fish here is also fresh and often less expensive then ground beef. I'm in the process of having to relearn how to eat locally.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Born That Way?
Before I had children I was under the impression that when you had a baby they we're handed to you as a blank canvas, O how wrong I was! From birth each child has had a distinct personality. Last night Presbygirl was sick, she threw up in her bed sometime during the night, only I didn't discover this till morning as she has the personality not to make the slightest fuss, the Presbyboy on the other hand would wake me up screeching if he so much as sneezed. Needless to say Presbygirl is who does most of the hitting and Presbyboy does all of the "telling", he is very good about never hitting her back.
I have decided that when they are teenagers Presbygirl is the type to sneak out her window in the middle of the night but Presbyboy is the type to go tell on her. Prebybaby is going to be a social butterfly, she so badly wants to play with the other two but all she can do is roll, so she will roll over to where they are playing and babble along with them.
I have decided that when they are teenagers Presbygirl is the type to sneak out her window in the middle of the night but Presbyboy is the type to go tell on her. Prebybaby is going to be a social butterfly, she so badly wants to play with the other two but all she can do is roll, so she will roll over to where they are playing and babble along with them.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thoughts on Retirement

Pretty soon I'll be 32, retirement seems years away but I know will be here sooner rather then later. One of the many lessons I learned with our time serving at a very much older congregation is how different people live out their last years. The decisions I make now I will one day have to live with the consequences. Do I want more children? When I'm, 40, 50 or 80 will I have wished I had more? What kind of home do I want to live in when we retire (my husband is 11 years older). Do I have a plan for in home care? Should I be saving for college or our own retirement? If I am a widow for 20 or more years what does that financially mean to me?
One thing I do think about is my retirement home I want to live in MY OWN HOME, if you think elder care is in a mess now just wait till "baby boomers" are in need of care. I recently read that the two fastest growing industries are at home elder care and tattoo least I don't need any tattoos removed.
A home on one floor, or at least with a bed and bath on the first floor, with doorways wide enough to get a wheel chair through and a shower stall able to have a sit down bench, 2 bedrooms one for me and one for a caregiver.A small amount of exterior maintenance and inexpensive.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
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