It seems that the busy times in ministry and motherhood aren't stopping anytime soon, well actually January and February are USUALLY pretty slow unless there are a lot of funerals that is. Working outside the home isn't going to be working for our family at the time, the dentist agreed to let us make payments, they first suggested that I take out a dental loan after reviewing the terms I would never pay 14% interest on it, our credit cards are less then that! However we have worked hard to pay those and not run them up is dental work an EMERGENCY? I explained what we believed as far as debt and they agreed to let me make 4 payments interest free! So little Presbyboy will be all taken care of.
I am a person that LOVES schedule, the ministry is anti schedule and based a lot on need and Emergency visits at least in an older congregation. I was looking at the calendar for the next two months and every weekend seems so filled, all summer was jam packed. I guess I am a homebody at heart. I have been thinking of starting some kind of Pastor's wife meeting for our Presbytery, I have a few ideas running around in my head, do any of you attend a ministers wives fellowship? Any good ideas would be appreciated.