A sweet church lady brought me tomatoes and red onion, I bout the cilantro myself, so for .77 we will be eating a LOT of salsa.
Presbybaby aged 7 1/2 months wants to crawl EVRYWHERE if you put her in the play pen she pushes against the mesh trying to get out, very funny to the rest of us, frustrating to baby.
Ahh freedom, much happier!
Anyone want to guess whats for dinner? Too many roosters...I'm also now convinced whatever you pay for a butchered chicken in the store is not nearly enough.
Oh goodness your little one trying to break out of the playpen cracked me up!
Playpen reminds me of the first Christmas with a mobile baby. The tree went in the play pen.
I laughed at the rooster$$$ comment. Amen! Our first attempts 20 ought years back are laughable and tearful.
I linked to your blog from a comment you left on another. You are on my bookmarks now!
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