The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Monday, February 23, 2009

That "Crazy" Pastor's Wife

I'm afraid in the last few years I've developed a slightly unsettling habit, when I am asked a rude or invasive question by a congregate I immediately respond with an outlandish or silly answer, sadly it seems to work! I am not questioned or given advice any farther.


Congregate: "Do you mind if I ask how old you are?"

Mrs.ReverendDr. : "15 , my last birthday" (I was actually 27, when this was asked by a PNC committee member) as I am 12 years younger the the Rev. Dr. some people assume I am his second wife, I assure all readers I am not!

Congreate: "Have to ever tried using a time out seat" (this was after the PresbyBoy tried to blow out the Advent candles during the Children's Sermon)

Mrs.ReverendDr. : "I find that a plain, old brown leather belt and a bar of Ivory soap works just as well."

One day I must learn to happily smile and nod, just not today.


Katie said...

Haha... I love it. Sounds something like I would say.


Gombojav Tribe said...

That sounds 'bout right! :-)

Unknown said...

How wonderful, from the day my husband announced his call and started seminary, my Monster(mother)in law has been telling me exactly where I should sit, what I should wear, etc. to be a "good pastors wife."