The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good Presbyterian Cats

Before we had the first Presby Baby we had two Presbycats, Luther and Calvin to be exact, well they are flame point siamese and LOUD which is fine unless you have LOUD children then it's just too much. So we gave Luther another family that promptly changed his name to Flame...So now we just have Calvin, this morning I brought up laundry and the Presbyboy had used neon green marker all over Calvin's face...I could try to wash it off but have a feeling he wouldn't approve of that either. So now he's running around the neighborhood looking like a very Catholic St. Patrick's Day cat.


Deanna said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha
needed a good hardy laugh this evening. I can just see the green.

Perhaps your little one is an inspiring artist.

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Have you read any of Rita Mae Brown's books? She has Episcopal Cat friends LOL. Lucy-fur is one of the names.