I am one of those women who always has about 10 projects going. I have a 4 year old a 1 1/2 year old plus morning sickness and do church work. Some days I think I'm wonder woman, but I'm not. I have several sewing projects and wallpaper half done around the house. Of course now it's warming up I think of all the outdoor projects I can do. We decided when we moved here that it would just be easier to hire a yard guy, he only charges $15 to mow and edge, ReverendDr. is usually too busy, I really can't take the kids out with me if I were to do it, so it's just one of those things we hire done.
I do however like to have some kind of garden, I love to can and cook and the kids think it's fun to pick stuff. Last year we did potatoes which I highly recommend they pretty much raise themselves and no tempting green fruit to pick. Tomatoes also do very well here, I think this year I will add some cucumbers, and of course lots of flowers. We also have a rhubarb and strawberry patch but they come up by themselves. What do you plant?
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