I am sitting at my computer partially cross eyed typing, mostly because I'm waiting for the ReverendDr. to get home from the hospital which he was called for an emergency, for the second time today, but two different hospitals. I am so stinking tired I could drop over and not be found till morning. In a moment of craziness I let the baby sleep until she woke up instead of my regimented nap schedule, I figured let her sleep so I can sit here and only have to keep track of one child...she slept till 6 pm, she will no doubt be up all night doing a toddler dance and making raspberries with glee... she has started doing a cute baby thing, she toddles over to our wedding photo and says "dada", repeatedly and LOUDLY, no mention of me whatsoever....Meanwhile Presbyboy was send to sleep at a normal time, after painting sun-catchers and half my dinning room table for "craft time".
I will also be doing a funeral dinner Saturday, and a Lenten Lunch Thursday, but I am just a helper for the lunch for the funeral I am commander and chief and Presbyterian ladies don't generally like giving up a Saturday,but there is always a faithful remnant of willing napkin folders and gelatin salad makers, (these my friends are truly the dying breed of church lady), ask a women under 40 to make a gelatin salad and she will look at you like you have three heads, ask a competent Presbyterian women and she will give you a choice of her "Top 5" specialties! Tomorrow I will start calling to see what helpers I can round up. My chief potato peeler is on vacation (no doubt she had a premonition of having to do another 50 lbs. of spuds by herself).Until we meet again.
1 comment:
About the jello maybe because no one likes that kind of thing anymore! ha ha! .. Im sure there are some good ones but Jello equals diet to me! ha ha!
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