The great debate that the ReverendDr and I have been going back and forth about since the first Presbybaby came into this world is about TV, how much should we spend, what should we watch etc. First we had deluxe cable with "on demand" so we could put on the cute little shows and not be worried, then they started with commercials...then we moved and went down to the very "basic" about 12 station, so this left only PBS in the morning and DVDs...which had led to a huge DVD mess! borrowing them from the library and buying them, digging through to find which ones are theirs. I have tried different organizing systems and it's just not worked. So now we have "expanded basic cable" which has Playhouse Disney...and a whole lot of marketing to kids and a whole lot of rock music and other things that I don't want my babies exposed to. So what has high quality entertainment , is CHEAP and "clean". Well I think I've found the answer,a friend told me about something I didn't know existed. A ROKU player is a box you hook to your TV (same way as a DVD player) and it has a WIFI signal built in or you can hook an Ethernet cable into it. So you do have to have Internet service. You can get NETFLIX for 8.99 a month and put movies and shows into your "instant que" then watching them on your TV, I knew you could watch them on your computer but not on TV. A basic player is $79 so for the player and NETFLIX pretty good deal! We plan on getting rid of our TV since we don't watch sports and get most of our news form the Internet I think this will work for us, will let you know how well we like it.
Hmmm.... never heard of that before. Interesting. I'm knee deep in the DVD mess you spoke of! I can't stand the cartoons on TV for kids, or the commercials. The shows are almsot all either kids being naughty, mouthy or action fighting scenes, which Maddie actually loves but I don't like her mimicking. Maybe if she were a boy I'd be more okay with her beating up the imaginary bad princess she has dreamed up.
Anyway, thanks for sharing!
I had never heard of that, but will check it out. I'm with you, though, on the 'kids' programming....junk.
Thanks for the idea!
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