The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I wouldn't call these "Resolutions" rather areas of "Habits" I need to form and how do you form a habit? by doing it EVERYDAY for a month.

1. Get up at the same (early) time each day, and go to bed at the same time (which I hate doing), of course with having little kids is only but so doable.

2. Make a hot breakfast each day.

3. Live by budget, it was easy when we didn't have any money we had to plan and stick to our budget, now that we have less debt it's so easy to got out to eat more and throw extra things in the cart. I also realized we were spending close to $100 a month on milk....

4. Serve one raw food with each meal.

5. Work with Presbyboy on learning good habits, hes at the age where he wants to do and help with everything, I need to teach him while hes teachable even if it does take much longer.

6. Really make a point to have devotions with ReverendDr, having them TOGETHER as often as possible.


Unknown said...

Great resolutions!!!

Marisa said...

WOW, 100 on milk! But I hear ya about just throwing stuff in! It is very tempting and adds up fast!

Great New Habits you will be making!!!

Mrs. Reverend Doctor said...

$4 a gallon here, these kids needs to drink more water