The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Pastor's Pastor or Executive Presbyter

In our denomination there are Executive Presbyters or as I call them the Pastor's Pastor now I've often imagined what it must be like to be one and I have a feeling it probably consists of putting out a lot of fires and listening to a lot of complaints and going to endless meetings. And no doubt dealing with any illegal situations or charges of misconduct. Not anything very fun at all! They do pulpit supply on occasion and show up for the big things like installation services and those wonderful Presbytery meetings, making sure the churches and ministers are taken care of however they have no secure congregation to which they go to every week.
That certainly takes someone with a lot of patience. Now if your a minister or just a parishioner how do you treat your EP? Do you send them Christmas cards, or perhaps a note of appreciation? Offer to take them to dinner? The EP's congregation are the churches he ministers to. I would challenge you to go the extra mile in making sure your EP feel appreciated.

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