The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Running Late for Christmas... in August

It's 90 degrees today but in a few short months we will again be in case in snow and ice, last year our city was #2 for snow fall , lets hope we don't make it to #1 this year. I love to shop but I hate to shop in overcrowded stores and Christmas (if it's nice enough to drive) is definitely not my cup of tea, also December is one of the busiest months for a Pastor's family,once upon a time I used to buy gifts all year and put them in a storage cabinet...the Presbyboy figured that out and now checks the cabinet every day! So then I moved them to under our bed, but one day the Presbyboy crawled under the skirt and thought he discovered a treasure chest! So here it is August and I only have two presents purchased for next year! I have decided that I am just getting the kids each one big thing and I'm going to order it by mail and leave it in the box till Christmas Eve, with church members and grandparents they get plenty (o, and Presbyboy's 4th birthday is 9 day's before Christmas). Presbyboy is getting a huge Thomas track layout for his train table and Presbybaby is getting a play kitchen.

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