The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This summer has gone by in a BLUR, there is so much going on and so much to do and attend my homebody nature is not adjusting well. The garden has taken on new dimensions I have a huge amount of yellow tomatoes and Roma tomatoes, the herbs are doing well and I will have enough red potatoes to feed the whole block. Presbyboy is still picking a few berries every day from the "ever bearing" strawberries. My squash is dead, not sure when or how it died but I went to water it day and it was withered! The broccoli right next too it was thriving so I am left to ponder...My glads are glorious too, I planted a bunch of different colors, however I seem to be getting a lot of colors that's I'm sure I didn't plant and vise versa.

I am already thinking about Christmas and more importantly planning the Presbytery meeting meal that will be held at our church in November. 150 attenders plus 25 helpers from our church for dinner. I have already decided on a turkey dinner, it will be cheap then and I know how to do it because that's the traditional funeral food, though most funerals aren't quiet as big as 175 people. Presbyboy isn't going to preschool this year he's 3 1/2 but thanks to a Christmas birthday can't go to kindergarten for 2 more school years, I was thinking of ordering some home school curriculum but I think hes doing pretty well with letter and numbers etc. I'm 30 and never went to preschool and I turned out just fine! Presbybaby is 13 months and so full of energy and climbing over the back of the sofa, they do play well together but the poor cat has taken to hiding from both of them most days.

1 comment:

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

sounds as though your life is filled with happy planning. i pray that it always stays that way.