A question I get asked a lot is how did I went from being a Independent Fundamental Baptist to a Presbyterian. I was always on the "liberal" side in IFB circles, now I am considered an ultra, ultra conservative Presbyterian. I met my husband (who was already Pastoring ) the summer before my Sr. year in college. I went to a very conservative IFB college called Hyles-Anderson, some people assume that I must think that every thing I learned there was absolute nonsense,that is far from the truth. If I had to do it all over again I would still have gone.
1. I learned how to get along with other people, especially other Christians, which isn't always the easiest thing.
2. I learned how to run different church programs, efficiently and orderly.
3.I learned how to witness and share the gospel with people. One thing I do wish is that I had more training with middle class people, most of mine was in the inner city.
4. I experiences first hand the joy in not only leading someone to Christ but seeing them baptized and grow.
5. I learned how to memorize scripture, I mean really memorize.
6. I learned how to love people.
Even though I wear pants now some IFB parts of me remain, in Bible Study I read from my KJV Bible, because nothing sounds like Bible to me but that. I also think that it comes from memorizing in that version. I dislike Christian contemporary music and favor the old Hymns and Gospel songs. IFB isn't perfect the older I get the more I see the petty fighting and arguments, of course Presbyterianism has plenty of it's own problems, if we fight at least it's about really issues like gay clergy or or using the feminine term for God!
something I really appreciate about you is that even with differing views on various issues, you've never seemed bitter and mad at HAC. In actuality, is there really anyone who agrees 100% with any institution? Some of us have formed more differing vies than others of course, but I like that you see the good things that you took away from there as well.
The bickering thing... yes, majorly discouraging. But truthfully, in most IFB churches spread accross the country, that stuff never reaches us. If you aked any member of our church other than pastoral staff or former HACer about it, they wouldn't have clue what youre talking about. I think it really is just a few loud mouths making us all seem like back biting critics.
I always liked hanging out and discussing your take on subjects. Even the oens I disagreed with... you are not a friend based on 100% compliance with every opinion, you know! =P
Love you Lela, glad that you are being used to serve the Lord ♥.
any tips on memorizing scripture- I know my Bible- but we Catholics are bad at chapter and verse
I just saw this comment, the best answer for me is to write out verses and pot them places as a busy mom you are going to be looking several times a day, fridge, above the kitchen sink ...and yes the bathroom.
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