The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Making Faith an Action

This week I got a call from a good friend. Mary and I went to Christian school together, but for the last 10 or so years I haven't known her to darken a door of a church. She was as she describes "burnt out" on religion. specifically the ultra conservative brand she had been raised in. She wasn't opposed to church but she knew she would never feel God in the denomination she had been raised yet with her upbringing felt like it was either that church or no church.

The reason she called was a friend of hers, that was an acquaintance of mine had recently had open heart surgery (only 33) and needed her house to be cleaned BADLY, Mary said I was the first person she thought of! (Gee, wasn't that nice of her) she had been in the hospital for weeks and her hubby and two small children we're home all the time and she knew how bad it was when she left it and could only imagine how bad it was now, and she just couldn't be released from the hospital and go back to it.

Mary in her words said I would know how to "get it done" so we recruited another friend who was less then enthusiastic and we got at it. It was pretty darn bad, but for some reason it' a lot more fun to clean someone else's house then to clean your own. It was actually a single wide trailer and 3 of us working for 6 hours made it brand new and sure it was a treat for the sick gal but more then that I saw Mary sneak into the back of my church last Sunday, afterward I told her of course I was thrilled but what made her come? Her answer "you make your faith an action".
What could you do for someone else this week that would give actions to your faith?

How to Clean a Really Messy House

1.Go through and throw away all obvious garbage.(wear rubber gloves)
2.Sort through bedrooms and throw all items on the floor onto beds, take laundry out at this time (we actually sent our friend to the laundry mat because there we're about 16 loads of laundry to do.)
3. Put cleaner into toilets, spray shower, sink
4. Start dishwasher washing
5. Clean off all kitchen counters, go through fridge and cabinets and throw away food items.
6. Go back and clean bathroom
7. Dust and cobweb bedrooms and living areas
8. Put away all items that you threw on the beds
9. Put away all the clothes you just laundered, vacuum mattresses and make beds.
10. Vacuum, sofas, chairs, all floors
11. sweep-mop all floors


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

WOW! What a cool blessing to give somebody!

Deanna said...

Wonderful hands on ministry you have done.
Enjoyed this post.

Unknown said...

What a great thing to do! I'm sure it was a lot of hard work, but it was wonderful that you could use it to influence your friend. :)

Mary said...

This was great. I am a pastor's wife, too. I also liked your post about advise for a new pastor's wife. Pretty much right on. I have an elderly man who really likes his hug, though! We minister to mostly elderly people in a rural area. Nice to meet you. My husband pastors a Baptist church; was a career military man before that (although not a chaplain).

Mary said...

On my sidebar, I have also listed "pastors and pastor's wives, and have done 3 or 4 posts on the subject.