I am looking forward to morning sickness being gone, I have discovered something new, chewable Rolaids, they are the chewy kind like a gummy candy and they kid of make my tummy more "base" when I wake up. I also fear both Presbyboy and I have caught the cold my brother had...he will be thoroughly be punished.
This wasn't an exciting week I think I made dinner twice. I bought a quantity of microwavable burritos and pot pies, which I almost never buy because I am anti trans fat, (don't worry I'm very pro good fats) The kids have been eating frozen chicken nuggets and natural peanut butter sandwiches, I'm sure they could care less. I haven't been eating much of anything, I try to keep guzzling fluids but fruit and sour candy are about the only things that taste good, O and fruit and yogurt parfaits from McDonald's. This coming week is of course busy with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter services. I considered going out to eat for Easter but
the crowds will be bad, so I think I am just making Ham, in the crock pot and rolls, and cold salads w/ desert so we can eat as soon as we return from church. I am also cutting way back on candy, only a chocolate bunny for each and lot of little toys, cars, bubbles etc.
The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Gardening and Reality

I am one of those women who always has about 10 projects going. I have a 4 year old a 1 1/2 year old plus morning sickness and do church work. Some days I think I'm wonder woman, but I'm not. I have several sewing projects and wallpaper half done around the house. Of course now it's warming up I think of all the outdoor projects I can do. We decided when we moved here that it would just be easier to hire a yard guy, he only charges $15 to mow and edge, ReverendDr. is usually too busy, I really can't take the kids out with me if I were to do it, so it's just one of those things we hire done.
I do however like to have some kind of garden, I love to can and cook and the kids think it's fun to pick stuff. Last year we did potatoes which I highly recommend they pretty much raise themselves and no tempting green fruit to pick. Tomatoes also do very well here, I think this year I will add some cucumbers, and of course lots of flowers. We also have a rhubarb and strawberry patch but they come up by themselves. What do you plant?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Is Lent Over Yet?

I am sitting at my computer partially cross eyed typing, mostly because I'm waiting for the ReverendDr. to get home from the hospital which he was called for an emergency, for the second time today, but two different hospitals. I am so stinking tired I could drop over and not be found till morning. In a moment of craziness I let the baby sleep until she woke up instead of my regimented nap schedule, I figured let her sleep so I can sit here and only have to keep track of one child...she slept till 6 pm, she will no doubt be up all night doing a toddler dance and making raspberries with glee... she has started doing a cute baby thing, she toddles over to our wedding photo and says "dada", repeatedly and LOUDLY, no mention of me whatsoever....Meanwhile Presbyboy was send to sleep at a normal time, after painting sun-catchers and half my dinning room table for "craft time".
I will also be doing a funeral dinner Saturday, and a Lenten Lunch Thursday, but I am just a helper for the lunch for the funeral I am commander and chief and Presbyterian ladies don't generally like giving up a Saturday,but there is always a faithful remnant of willing napkin folders and gelatin salad makers, (these my friends are truly the dying breed of church lady), ask a women under 40 to make a gelatin salad and she will look at you like you have three heads, ask a competent Presbyterian women and she will give you a choice of her "Top 5" specialties! Tomorrow I will start calling to see what helpers I can round up. My chief potato peeler is on vacation (no doubt she had a premonition of having to do another 50 lbs. of spuds by herself).Until we meet again.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Excitement 'Round Here
I haven't been posting because I really don't have that much to say, I have zero energy. I had to hire people to help me come clean. (mostly because we are having people over this weekend). We have been getting a lot of takeout which is against both my frugal and nutritional well being. I did make dinner tonight of spaghetti and homemade bread sticks, and as you guessed it that meat sauce lasted about 2 minutes in my belly.
Pretty much my day goes that I have a strong craving for something say a Greek Dog or a fast food breakfast sandwich....I get so excited when I finally acquire the item then after a bite or two throw it up. I know the excitement never ends around here. I pretty much figure that as long as we have clean laundry and are fed and washed I am doing pretty well. I do seem to have an energy spurt around 6 pm till bed. That is when I'm getting a lot of things done. The ReverendDr. has had a lot of later meetings/hospital visits lately but that's fine, he does usually help me with baths if he gets home at a good hour. Have I ever told you how the Presbybaby is CRAZY over him. If he happens to come home good old Mom might as well be dirt. She's all about Daddy...however the Presbyboy still loves me best.
Pretty much my day goes that I have a strong craving for something say a Greek Dog or a fast food breakfast sandwich....I get so excited when I finally acquire the item then after a bite or two throw it up. I know the excitement never ends around here. I pretty much figure that as long as we have clean laundry and are fed and washed I am doing pretty well. I do seem to have an energy spurt around 6 pm till bed. That is when I'm getting a lot of things done. The ReverendDr. has had a lot of later meetings/hospital visits lately but that's fine, he does usually help me with baths if he gets home at a good hour. Have I ever told you how the Presbybaby is CRAZY over him. If he happens to come home good old Mom might as well be dirt. She's all about Daddy...however the Presbyboy still loves me best.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Working with What You Have

When we moved into this house the down stairs bath had "Easter Bunny" wallpaper, there was no other name for it pastels of large cartoonish bunnies...and it was old and pealing, it also had tile that was cream and black...Anyway the first thing I did was strip that paper off. Then I went in search of other wallpaper that matched the tile, why not paint you say? well half the wall was plywood paneling...ya it gets worse then the bunnies, and the walls under the paper were 80+ years old, I was pregnant with Presbybaby at the time and plastering, sanding was not in my reptua of projects....I wallpapered everything but the part above the toilet because I then figured out that in order to to that one had to stand on the toilet with nothing to hold onto, Fast froward say 2 years to today...I was now ready and couldn't find the rest of the wallpaper roll,I primed and painted the paneling I went in search of it at Lowe's they no longer sold ANY wallpaper and I had no idea ever who manufactured it. Resigned to my fate of stripping the whole room and buying another wallpaper....then magic happened last night! I was browsing and I found my same paper!!!!Are the colors my first choice, no way but it goes so nicely with the tile I can't afford to replace!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Morning Sickness
I am one of those lucky women who can tell shes pregnant by the morning sickness, it lasted about 7 months with baby #1, 5 with baby #2 maybe this time it will only be a few months, a girl can hope! I forget how completely drained I would feel , not to mention the usual 4 year old and toddler drain. For some reason I am more excited about this baby, I think pretty much any fears on birthing and rearing are gone, I know what I'm doing and I know what to expect. I do plan to have another home hippy birth (as my Aunt calls it). Assuming of course that I continue to have good health. We have been going back and forth as to find out the gender or be surprised since we have once of each, but it's so hard to wait to know!
The only sadness is that I did have to tell one of my very best friends about baby #3, she and her husband have been trying for almost 10 years. She would never begrudge me any happiness but I do know that any new baby announcement is only a reminder that she again wishes to make one of her own.
The only sadness is that I did have to tell one of my very best friends about baby #3, she and her husband have been trying for almost 10 years. She would never begrudge me any happiness but I do know that any new baby announcement is only a reminder that she again wishes to make one of her own.
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