The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm A Christian, but I Never go to Church

I have a lot of Christian friends. I grew up in Christian Schools and graduated from a Christian college. Something that saddens me is how many of them don't attend church anymore. I don't mean people who we're brought up in an ultra Fundamental Church and go to a more liberal one, I mean people who never darken the doorstep unless their visiting Grandma or going to a wedding or funeral, if you asked them they would of course say they we're saved and believed in God and Christ. They know hymns by heart and can find a scripture reference easily. They can spout off John 3:16 and quote Psalm 23, but it does them very little good. They are not giving their children the same knowledge they we're given, they will tell their child that" yes, of course we believe in God", they may read Noah's Ark and say bedtime prayers, but that child is never taken to Sunday School and never read the Bible that sits on so many shelves. Many of them are married to unbelievers, who may in fact be willing to believe if only they we're asked and educated about Christianity. Many have good intentions and plan that "soon we will visit that church around the corner", or if they've moved will eventually try to find a church, but Sunday after Sunday slips by and good intentions stay just that... intentions. Someone asked me recently what church they should go to, it's a rather personal question but I would say if you we're to pass away tomorrow who would do your funeral? That church would be a good starting place. Do you have a peer that you respect who attends church? That might be another good place. Some people like large congregation some small. I'm not trying to tell you what church to go to but to just GO! If you visit one and you don't care for it then visit another. If you work Sunday morning many churches have Friday or Saturday evening services or Wednesday night Bible Study. Maybe you don't want to go because your spouse won't go with you...then go by yourself, but GO! Perhaps there is another reason people don't go,they say "church is full of nothing but hypocrites", well my friend then go anyway because Heaven is full of the same sinners and you might was well get used to them. Sadly there are people who are believers but have been hurt by a church in the past, just as someone who's been through a divorce eventually you have to try again. Lasty there is a group of people a very LARGE group who "know whats right, but do whats wrong, because it's more fun", if they went back to church they would feel convicted of things in their life that they know they shouldn't be doing, if your worried about having to "give up" things like this in order to love and worship then my friends you may have never know the real Jesus to begin with?

1 comment:

Marisa said...

So true.. very sad when people abandon it all together! I think the thing that shocks me the most is how most of the people that I grew up (from childhood) with do not have even close to the same values that we all grew up with. And I understand that alot of that was probably their parents values and that everyone needs to search out what they believe and why. But I guess I thought we were mostly all on the same page! Guess not! =)