The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Winter Projects

This is a wonderful link about worm compost bins I Hate to use the term "winter" now that I live in FL winter to me is feet of snow, here winter will mean nightly lowes in the high 30's maybe low 30's for a few weeks, then warm up to 60's during the day. Jan & Feb. are cold by the end of March most people have their garden in. I have a LOT of pruning to do, there are lots of scrub trees growing in my blueberry bushes, and the bushes themselves are a good 15 feet tall,pretty much everything needs pruned. There is also a 12 ft. tall pecan tree growing in the middle of my Hydrangeas...I love Hydrangeas and I love Pecans but we need a shade tree where it is, I'm thinking I will try to transplant the hydrangeas. I didn't order meat birds as I planned, we have an empty freezer but the power here goes out ALL THE TIME, I'm afraid all my expense in raising organic birds will go to waste, the power company claims they will be fixing things so maybe next year. In the spring I plan to hatch out chicks from my flock (for sale) as well as a few new pullets for me. I plan on getting a milk goat but I need to secure a fence around the barn for pasture which will be an expense, I will be looking for a pregnant Nubian, however goats don't like to be alone and may also consider getting a meat goat to raise with her till she gives birth. I could fit 4 goats in the barn section I plan on using. I am told that 100 lbs. of goat = 40 lbs. of meat so I will be getting a bigger goat, I won't be keeping a male as they are smelly and can make the milk smell which is the main reason I am getting the goat to begin with. I will be working a compost bin (made from pallets) ;and a worm compost bin, the chickens eat most of my kitchen scraps but worms will eat coffee and tea grounds. I am also leery of putting table scraps in a compost bin as it might attract roaches or rats. The whole point of compost is that the soil quality here is very poor, I am very afraid of using outside compost as it can contain herbicide, I know my chicken manure is fine etc. What are you "winter" projects?


Mandy said...

My winter projects are lose 50 lbs and continue to learn to knit!

Anonymous said...

being from florida and living there all my life-except the last 4- i know exactly what you mean about winter. i also can tell you that they will never fix the power lol they will always say they will tho!! :)

Anonymous said...

I have looked into the worm bins! Cool idea! The best thing I read on it was a kid's book from the library, they told very simply how to make one and use it properly. Right now I'm concentrating on traditional compost pile + chicken poo :)