The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Circle of Life

Yesterday was circle, our church has more then one. One thing I am grateful is that they don't use the denominations materials, at our previous church they always seemed so out of place the circle was made up of farmer's wives and teaching a lesson so full of feminism that just didn't apply to these women's lives. Anyway... circle was fun their we're about 13 ladies and I was the youngest by about 30 years which I don't mind. You can learn from your peers but how you really learn from are these wonderful older ladies, they have already raised successful children many have been through caring for and losing a spouse. They have the joy and experiences that comes from living long,full lives.

Today is the Presbybaby's check up, 10 month old already! She is pulling herself up on the furniture and giving her brother a run for who gets what toy. I have been recruiting funeral dinner helpers which are stretched a bit thin as their services usually aren't called upon so often in the same week. Tonight I have to go pick up a couple hundred pounds of chicken and go to a viewing. The garden needs attention but it will have to wait : )

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Blessings to you!
I always loved Circle when my children were young. When all the circles joined together once a year, the stories and sharing flew.
Loved it.
Think I'll blog about it.
You are blessing so many with your meal ministry.
Happy cooking!