The life of a wife,mother and Pastor's wife in the PC(USA) church.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Pastor's Wife" book reviews

I have read a LOT of book geared toward ministers wives and honestly some give the impression of oppression or that ministers wife's should be so "professional" that she gives off the appearance of not being friendly or "touchable"whatsoever. Here are a few of my favorites.

"Life as Viewed from the Goldfish Bowl"- Beverly Hyles

This is actually my former Pastor's wife so I know she lives what she preaches. This has a lot of practical things in it.

"Married to a Pastor's Wife"- H.B. London Jr. & Neil Wiseman

This is of course written by men, it is also good a few things I disagree with, specifically when it talks about women being forced to work secular jobs to support a minister who's church can't afford to pay him, I have found this usually leads to a lot of resentment on the wife's part if it's on a permanent basis. Not bad, well written.
"First we have Coffee"- Margaret Jensen
This isn't written specifically about minister's wives but the author was a minister's daughter and shares wonderful stories and experiences on being part of a Pastor's family in "the good old days". This book always makes me cry, which is saying a lot because I am not easily moved by emotion.
What are some of your favorites?


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

"First We Have Coffee" is my very favorite book (other than my Bible)! And I just finished the book my Mrs. Hyles (which I love as well). You would enjoy reading the biography of Susanna Spurgeon as well.

busymomof10 said...

I love the book "First We Have Coffee" too! Very encouraging and inspiring! I am not a pastor's wife, but my hubby is a county administrator -- and there are lots of similarities!!